Sunday, October 16, 2011

Flight to Seoul

My plane ride on Singapore Airlines was quite enjoyable!

I had plenty of room where I was seated because it was the first row before First Class seating.

Everyone was given two meals with wine and three snacks in between with lots of beverages! The man seated next to me enjoyed his meals so much, He practically scraped the plastic plates clean.

I would have offered his hungry self my food too, if he didn't keep stealing my arm rest.

Isn't there a unspoken rule? Like if you have at least one arm rest, you give the other arm rest to the person beside you?

Well, I thought so.

I was just talking to a friend about this too. How we always sit next to people who want to steal all of our existing space on planes and trains.

I didn't sleep at all during my flight either. Thanks to my travel pillow, iPod, and a ton of new released movies to watch for the 12 hour flight.

Not sleeping worked out for me too, because after arriving in Seoul around 8 pm. I went to bed around 11 pm and woke up the next morning at a normal time. I never had any problems adjusting to the change of time either.

On an ending note: every time there was turbulence . I kept thinking to myself, how my mother told me, "You know it's important to say goodbye to everyone before you leave, your plane could crash on your way to Korea...and you could die."


Glad I'm still alive to write about this!

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